Alzheimer’s is on the rise in average American Retirees, as of 2020, about 5.8 million people were living with Alzheimer’s, and this number is predicted to triple to 14 million by the year 2060 – its a growing issue that has yet to find a solid cure.
While there may not be a cure for Alzheimer’s right now, you can help protect your clients that may have a family history or early onset symptoms by helping them get set up with a product that offers a rider catered specifically to the needs of those suffering from Alzheimer’s or Lewy Body Dementia, this rider could be life changing for many individuals
On the other hand, there is another living benefit offered by the same carrier to support those just beginning to take big life steps as well!
There is now a rider available for couples and individuals who need extra support in their fertility journey, in the form of a lump-sum distribution. This could be a powerful game changer for those who are struggling to have a baby.
Give your clients the joy and hope of knowing that they have protection in place for their specific needs!
Call us today and we can get you all the materials and information you need to see if this could be a perfect fit for your next client!
952 887 1239