Here at NFI Solutions we like to keep you up to date on everything!
Industry changes, best interest laws, product releases and changes and much more.
Recently, a popular carrier made some changes:
Fee/No-Fee Index Options
- Accumulation free of mandatory fees.
- Ability to buy higher caps and par. rates for upgraded earnings potential.
30% Death Benefit Bonus With Optional Maximizers
- Paid out lump sum
- 30% Bonus applies to full accumulation value.
- Simple to calculate, easy to explain
Diverse Selection of Index Options
- Choice of 14 index options—most uncapped with par. rate.
- Includes a new, laser-focused proprietary index option that capitalizes on U.S. markets.
- Backing of an “A” (Excellent) rated carrier.
- Optional earnings-boosting 7% bonus on 10-year product (6% in CA).
- No MVA to explain.
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